Tell the media and political "experts" to demand that TRUMP drop out

  • da: Left Action
  • destinatario: Media and political influencers

It's time for media and political "experts" to demand that TRUMP drop out.

Donald Trump is a traitor, liar, sexual assaulter, racist, fascist, with 34 felony convictions. And yet, at the same time that every pundit, elected official is breathlessly weighing in non-stop about President Biden, they are ignoring the 800-pound orangutan in the room -- Trump.

They need to demand that Trump get the hell out of the race, and they need to do it now.

We get that Trump's behavior has been so horrible for so long that it's now become routine and expected. But we can't normalize it, and we can't ignore it.

Add your name now, and demand that the media, elected officials, and political pundits push Trump to drop out NOW.

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