Plastic bottles are littering the UK's beaches and clogging up landfill sites. Please sign this petition to demand that a plastic bottle levy be introduced to encourage recycling and cut down on littering.
The UK Government has recently been considering a plastic bottle charge. The levy of 10 or 20p would be refunded to the customer when they returned an empty bottle. The scheme had already been piloted in Scotland.
Samantha Harding, litter programme director at the Campaign to Protect Rural England said: ''Billions of bottles and cans are thrown away every year, harming our wildlife and polluting the environment. After the positive effects of the plastic bag charge, the obvious next step is a bottle deposit return system. The bag charge's success has shown emphatically that people will get behind these schemes.''
However, a source in the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the policy was now "unlikely", though still a possibility. Please sign this petition to push for a common sense approach to plastic bottles - demand a UK-wide levy on plastic bottles. If enough people sign, it will send a strong message to the government that we want to clean up our plastic rubbish.