Lights for Safety and Prevention - Dangerous Intersection

We are petitioning Egg Harbor Township New Jersey to install a red blinking traffic light at the intersection of Ridge and West Jersey Avenue and a Yellow Flashing Light for cars driving along West Jersey Avenue that passes the intersection to provide drivers in both directions a more visible warning of the upcoming intersection especially for at night driving awareness where it is extremely dark and the current stop sign can easily be missed and no warning is provided to drivers on the heavily driven West Jersey Avenue that an upcoming intersection is coming. My husband was in an accident on this road three weeks ago via a hit and run but, luckily was not injured. This last Saturday my youngest sister who was visiting me was struck in this same location and was seriously injured and helicoptered to ARMC where she currently is working on her recovery. In speaking with members in the community at the hospital, the police, our neighborhood, and so forth all we have been speaking with are in agreement that this is a dangerous intersection and needs a change for safety of all. We were informed by the police they have submitted a grant for a light but a petition will help this gain traction. Please sign this petition.

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