Declaration of Intent to Boycott and Encourage Boycott of Tourism in Wyoming and Nevada

  • da: Diane McEvoy
  • destinatario: Claudia Vecchio, Director, Nevada State Division of Tourism/Diane Shober Executive Director, Wyoming Office of Tourism

We, who have signed this Declaration of Intent to Boycott, serve you with notice that you should immediately take action to put pressure on the BLM and Department of Interior to cease and desist in their round ups of wild horses in Wyoming and Nevada. If you fail to do so, we shall use whatever means necessary to ensure that the revenue you receive from tourism is significantly impacted. We who have signed this Declaration to Boycott represent thousands of wild horse advocates and activists, our family members, friends, professional colleagues, religious affiliates, community members, high profile individuals and members of our individual state and local governments. The public at large is incensed. The BLM will not listen, will not heed our protests against their inhumane practices. You, too, shall be the victims of the BLM’s round ups but apparently that has not hit home. So, therefore, we will bring it home.

179 wild horses in Wyoming were rounded by the BLM last week, three died in the roundup. The BLM announced its plan to round up 800 wild horses from the Checkerboard Herd Management Area in Wyoming. 800. The needless, senseless, abusive and murderous round ups will result in the eradication of virtually all wild horses in Wyoming. The horses who led peaceable lives, lived as families in their herds have been ripped from their home, forced into trailers and carted off to holding facilities or, worse still, to slaughter.

On March 24, The Cloud Foundation received an anonymous tip that BLM had rounded up and removed 41 free-roaming horses from public lands in northern Wyoming. Further investigation revealed that BLM conducted a helicopter roundup of the horses and turned them over to the Wyoming Livestock Board who sold the horses directly to the Canadian Bouvry Slaughterhouse. How are you able to have knowledge of this atrocity and stand silently by? This is Bouvry Export.

Yet, there has been no report of outcries of protest from the management at Yellowstone or Grand Teton or the Departments of Tourism in Wyoming and Nevada or for that matter, the National Park Service. No suggestion that the destruction of herds of wild horses, their imprisonment or their deaths is in any way inhumane, inappropriate or totally unnecessary – or to put it in financial terms that you might truly care about, potentially disastrous to tourism. No apparent cries that the vanishing herds would hurt tourism in Wyoming or Nevada. Well, here we are.  We will endeavor to ensure that tourism in both States is impacted. Not simply but presenting you with our declaration but through the media, through aggressive networking and advertisements discouraging tourists from visiting your States or “famous” landmarks. 

The round ups are underway. You have been forewarned. Take action, step up, speak out or suffer the consequences to your economy. The horses are losing their freedom, their lives. You apparently have lost your conscience, it is not too late to do the right thing.



TO: Claudia Vecchio, Director, Nevada State Division of Tourism/Diane Shober Executive Director, Wyoming Office of Tourism

We, who have signed this Declaration of Intent to Boycott in a week's time, serve you with notice that you should immediately take action to put pressure on the BLM and Department of Interior to cease and desist in their round ups of wild horses in Wyoming and Nevada. If you fail to do so, we shall use whatever means necessary to ensure that the revenue you receive from tourism is significantly impacted. We who have signed this Declaration to Boycott represent thousands of wild horse advocates and activists, our family members, friends, professional colleagues, religious affiliates, community members, high profile individuals and members of our individual state and local governments. The public at large is incensed. The BLM will not listen, will not heed our protests against their inhumane practices. You, too, shall be the victims of the BLM’s round ups but apparently that has not hit home. So, therefore, we will bring it home.

As of day 10 of the Wyoming roundup 349 wild horses have lost their freedom. There have been 6 deaths reported, 3 of which were under the age of 6 months old. Two of these babies crashed into the bars of the holding pens, broke their necks and died. A third colt collapsed on the trailer and died. A necropsy showed scarred lung tissue, indicative of past pneumonia, meaning that this poor baby was forced to run in terror for miles with compromised lungs before collapsing and dying. A stark example of the inhumanity of our government's policy toward wild horses.The BLM announced its plan to round up 800 wild horses from the Checkerboard Herd Management Area in Wyoming. 800. The needless, senseless, abusive and murderous round ups will result in the eradication of virtually all wild horses in Wyoming. The horses who led peaceable lives, lived as families in their herds have been ripped from their home, forced into trailers and carted off to holding facilities or, worse still, to slaughter.

“On March 24, The Cloud Foundation received an anonymous tip that BLM had rounded up and removed 41 free-roaming horses from public lands in northern Wyoming. Further investigation revealed that BLM conducted a helicopter roundup of the horses and turned them over to the Wyoming Livestock Board who sold the horses directly to the Canadian Bouvry Slaughterhouse. How are you able to have knowledge of this atrocity and stand silently by? This is Bouvry Export.

Yet, there has been no report of outcries of protest from the management at Yellowstone or Grand Teton or the Departments of Tourism in Wyoming and Nevada or for that matter, the National Park Service. No suggestion that the destruction of herds of wild horses, their imprisonment or their deaths is in any way inhumane, inappropriate or totally unnecessary – or to put it in financial terms that you might truly care about, potentially disastrous to tourism. No apparent cries that the vanishing herds would hurt tourism in Wyoming or Nevada. Well, here we are.  We will endeavor to ensure that tourism in both States is impacted. Not simply but presenting you with our declaration but through the media, through aggressive networking and advertisements discouraging tourists from visiting your States or “famous” landmarks. 

You have been forewarned. Take action, step up, speak out or suffer the consequences to your economy. The horses are losing their freedom, their lives. You apparently have lost your conscience, it is not too late to do the right thing. Please note the updated figure is 543 rounded up and 10 horses have died.

Please be assured that in addition to yourselves, this Declaration is being sent to the highest officials in your States, as well as to television stations and newspapers. Should you wish to be in touch with us, you may do so by replying to these emails. 









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