Rohingya: lighting the torch amid a sea of darkness

  • da: fahad Al fahad
  • destinatario: To the leaders of the entire Gulf Cooperation Council and the Islamic world countries:

As citizens interested in the issue of Rohingya Muslims stranded in the sea, we urge you to intervene and support for Malaysia and the rest needed to save the refugees and to provide relief assistance to them waiting for a political solution to the crisis resources of Southeast Asian Nations. It is unacceptable for us to see the Rohingya Muslims who are living without this humanitarian disaster that we move quickly to help them, we call upon the leaders of the countries of the Islamic world to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of the Rohingya Muslims. !!

Thousands of Rohingya Muslim minority are stuck at sea in the meantime, after all avenues stranded without food or water. Do not have nothing but hope to survive. With each wave hit the boat, which cling harboring mothers of their children, and wondering what is to become of their fate. If we move quickly, we will be able to assist in all rescued.Gulf leaders can Biioa torch of light amid the darkness. Malaysia can save Rohingyas stranded at sea, but saving thousands of refugees and to provide relief assistance to them is expensive. Arab Gulf states close ties with Malaysia, and they have the necessary financial resources, as well as that they are committed to protecting Muslims all over the world. If we can build a huge petition from across the region addressed to the leaders of the Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and ask them where to play a leading role in resolving this humanitarian crisis - it is possible to push them to move quickly

With every minute that passes, approaching families Rohingyas from death more. Click below to sign the emergency petition and then share them on a larger scale - let us build a strong petition, so it is difficult for the leaders of the Gulf states ignored.

Aggiorna #49 anni fa
am with u my dear micheline dm . Muslim world must do more to ease the Rohingya tragedy by a Buddhist and not to rely upon the United Nations ty for ur comment
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
am with u my dear micheline dm . Muslim world must do more to ease the Rohingya tragedy by a Buddhist and not to rely upon the United Nations ty for ur comment
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
ty Rosie Adams, for ur comments but I don't think that's Buddhists are peaceable people !! if u can see what they are doing in India and Thailand and Burma and also in Africa !
and ty for ur support :)
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
You are right, my dear Jeanne Beaufils It does not belong to Muslims !! But the whole world. and disadvantage of watching them
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