STOP the Bureau of Land Management from Mustang horse roundup

  • da: D Daly
  • destinatario: Bureau of Land Management

There are more Mustangs in BLM holding corrals than in the American wild.

The American Wild Land is being FRACKED instead.

Stop rounding up wild Mustang horses, who secrete milk and suckle their babies, and form close family bonds.

It is cruel to take them out of the wild, separate family herds, and make "mistakes" selling these beautiful sentient beings for slaughter after cruel crowded drives across the Mexican border with no food nor water for days to then be butchered to death with unspeakably cruelty.

Make a wild land sanctuary for wild American Mustangs.

Stop fracking.

To Frack is to rape Mother Earth.

Dear Bureau of Land Management, Dept of the Interior of the USA,

Stop cruel helicopter roundUps & absolutely no killing of these wild horses.

Thank You, From All of Us Who Have Signed This Petition:

Aggiorna #310 anni fa
Preserve freedom for these sentient beings, evolved over millenia to thrive FREE rugged terrain :-)
Aggiorna #211 anni fa
National Geographic Magazine page 104 People of the Horse article shows the mustang horse blood-line back to 1493 & talks of what horses mean and have always meant to Americans. These peaceful animals are our spiritual brother & sisters. Please lets protect these sacred noble hardy souls, loyal hard-working family partners of our American ancestors.
Aggiorna #111 anni fa
Mustang roundup next scheduled by Bureau of Land Management for March 2014 !!! Please faceBook, Twitter, any way we can, please get as many signatures to protect the FREEDOM of these beautiful horses !!!! :-) Each Wild Mustang sends each of us a NICKER of appreciation for sparing their lives :-)
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