Please sign and share this petition everywhere possible in an effort to get this guy harshly punished for current 10 charges of animal abuse and cruelty. What is so sad is that he could have been stopped back in 2010 when he was guilty of similar charges of running a shelter in same conditions as present.
A Leola man named Elam Beiler was found guilty of running a dog-breeding facility without a license in Pennsylvania. The facility had unsanitary confinement for the animals, including no veterinary care and mandatory immunizations. He is also guilty of operating an illegal kennel.
Tips came in that led to an investigation where they found dogs living in poor, unsanitary conditions , many with untreated medical issues. The PSPCA came in and seized 10 Maltese, poodle-type dogs from the facility and through further investigation, came to realize that Mr. Elam Beiler is a repeat offender of animal cruelty. He also operated a Horse Shoe Kennel in Leola until 2010, selling up to 300 dogs annually.
We urge your help and support on this matter by signing and sharing this petition everywhere possible. We are going to ask that this guy be harshly punished for his charges and repeat charges of animal abuse and cruelty by also ensuring he never own, care for or even be near another animal for the rest of his life.
Leola, Pennsylvania Law Enforcement & PSPCA - Such as a person as Mr. Elam Beiler should never be around animals in any way, shape or form. He needs to be punished severely and also be banned from owning, caring for or ever even being near another animal for the rest of his life! It is sad that he is a repeat offender and is left to operate another breeding facility and animal shelter. Ensure this does not occur again and that he is harshly punished for the abuse of all these poor, innocent dogs.