Prosecute Hope's abuser - dog abandoned with hundreds of bite wounds

  • da: Sally Grant
  • destinatario: Bullock County, USA, Police

Hope was dragged across a parking lot, had her collar ripped off and left to die. She was covered with hundreds of bite wounds, likely as a result of being used in a dog fighting operation.  She could barely move, and was only saved by the good graces of the Bullock County Humane Society.

Click here to learn more and see the sad video of her being dragged and abandoned.

Please sign to speak up for Hope and the other voiceless animals that have suffered horrible abuse.

This abuse is being allowed to happen.  This os totally unacceptable and gives other like minded abusers the "ok" to carry on abusing animals.  Animals can't talk, so let us be the voice for them.

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Hi still no news. Waiting for someone at care 2 USA to take the petition to the Bullock County police.
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