Please add to the agenda of the James Island PSD meeting on Monday September 24th, 2018, that concerned citizens of Laurel Park would like to meet with the Committee at a separate time (since the traffic is so bad) to hear concerns about the proposed sewer tie-in from a proposed development on 1802 Central Park Road through 511 Flint Street which will add sewage from an additional 40 households. This sewage line will be traversing under our neighborhood. On occasions I have had brown water coming out of my bathtub, and it is becoming more frequent . Please delay granting this access until the Wambaw drainage study is complete.
Has the JIPSD done any studies to document that the existing sewer system can handle the amount of increased sewage coming from all the new developments in the area? What is the state of the pipes of the current sewer infrastructure? Do all of the sewer substations have generator power in place? We need to know this information and the
results of the Wambaw drainage study before access is granted for any further developments to tie into the system.
Regardless of whether we believe global warming is causing flooding or not, the fact remains that water does not perc through pavement.
Is it too much to ask that we all stretch our intellect to understand that we must slow down, regroup, and have wiser methods of controlling growth . We are still in a first world country in South Carolina, and it is my understanding that our county pays the highest taxes in the state of South Carolina.
Thank you for your consideration.
Franny Henty concerned residential on James Island
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