Stop Putting High Fructose Corn Syrup/GMOs In Breads and Deli Dishes!

Petition to request that Rich's Products Corporation eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) aka "corn sugar", and other cheap, unhealthy GMOs (genetically modified organisms) from their foods.  Rich's is one of the RICHEST foodservice distributors servicing major supermarket & bakery chains worldwide, (see video).  The sweetener that Rich's puts in their breads and deli dishes marketed by Supermarket Deli/Bakeries & Restaurants globally (under store names), then sold to unsuspecting families, is HFCS high fructose corn syrup (aka "corn sugar"), a cheap and unhealthy synthetic sweetener.  As we are becoming more health conscious, we want to know what is in our foods and frown upon unhealthy ingredients like HFCS and other GMOs!  Even the FDA in the US has disapproved the title, "corn sugar" as a euphemism for HFCS; however, it is even more disturbing that this synthetic sweetener made from GMOs and dangerous chemicals is so widely used, disregarding of the ill health effects it's known to cause.  Please sign to ask Rich's Foods, one of the largest global mainstream food manufacturers, to cease using HFCS and encourage them to go GMO-free for a healthier future!  Thank you!

We, the undersigned, are adamantly against using cheap GMO ingredients, such a HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, in your deceptively tasty deli dishes and breads. Please consider not putting profit over people's health and switching to WHOLESOME ingredients. Otherwise, people will stop buying products. We did. Thank you. Sincerely, the signers

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