• da: Karla Narváez Moya
  • destinatario: To the Peruvian government, to MINCETUR (Perú), to public and private organizations and to any other group that want to help.

Huayrurin is a pink dolphin of the Peruvian Amazon currently living in the zoo Quistacocha in Iquitos. This zoo is home to many other animals that like Huayrurin must suffer living in inhumane and deplorable conditions. Today, Huaruryn lives in a much smaller than he really needs pond, the water is not properly maintained so that he lives in waters where their wastes are accumulated. All this has caused that Huayrurin is suffering from serious injuries in most of his body that do not heal due to the stress of being locked up and which undoubtedly are very painful. Huayrurin has been living seven years in a pond and has never seen or being in contact with any other dolphin like him, because he was taken to the zoo since he was born. He doesn't  even know his real home because he has lived all his life in that zoo, when he should know where he belongs to. This is happening since months ago and the government of Peru just do nothing, nobody help him, His injuries continues and they're not getting better. Please, I want all who read this, to sign this petition because I feel that it is time to get it over with the agony of these animals that every day must suffer the indifference and neglect of many of us. Huayrurin and many other animals need our help. SAVE THEM IS IN OUR HANDS! STOP BEING INDIFFERENT TO THEIR PAIN! SIGN PLEASE!

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