Two Men Set a Pup on Fire, Locked Him in a Suitcase, and Threw Him in a Dumpster

Two men apparently thought it would be funny to first abandon - then set on fire - a dog in Texas.

According to prosecutors, the roommates lived with a small, 7-month-old white dog. Who knows exactly how they treated that poor, innocent pet for the majority of its life. What we do know is that, one fateful day, they decided to torture the poor dog and then leave him for dead. 

Sign the petition to demand justice!

Apparently, the men began by dousing their dog in a flammable agent, then lit him on fire. After he was extremely badly burnt, they grabbed an air rifle and shot him in the head. 

But they didn't stop there. At that point, the men found a suitcase, shoved the maimed dog inside. For multiple days, they left him inside a suitcase, locked in a closet. Only then did they finally throw the suitcase - with him in it - into a dumpster outside a local store.

That's when a store employee became suspicious after hearing the sounds of a pained dog crying out and smelling an odd odor.

Miraculously, Samsonite somehow managed to survive. After officials rescued him, he received extensive veterinary care and very slowly recovered. He is now doing well. Meanwhile, authorities have arrested both men, who were convicted of animal cruelty.

But anyone who would not only harm, but genuinely torture an animal, needs serious psychological help immediately. Courts must also mandate that these two men receive intensive counseling services, in order to prevent future violence and cruelty! Sign the petition!
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