Save the Whittier Narrows Natural Area!

  • da: Rocio Juarez
  • destinatario: Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, muncipal water districts, state and federal agencies

Petition Background (Preamble):

The Whittier Narrows Natural Area and Nature Center, a wildlife sanctuary founded in 1939 on the San Gabriel River in east Los Angeles County, is threatened by a proposal to build an unnecessary and environmentally destructive $22 million taxpayer-funded water museum and meeting hall. The project of an agency dominated by unelected government and water agency officials, the proposed San Gabriel River Discovery Center would:

* Destroy rare and valuable habitat within a historic wildlife sanctuary, Los Angeles County Significant Ecological Area and National Audubon Society Important Bird Area

* Waste tens of millions of taxpayer and ratepayer dollars when families and businesses are paying higher taxes/water rates even as critical services are being slashed

* Introduce user fees, thereby restricting access to outdoor recreation and environmental education opportunities for families, senior citizens, teachers and students

* Sacrifice the historically and culturally important Whittier Narrows Nature Center for a facility primarily intended to serve as meeting space for government and water agencies

* Expose the wildlife sanctuary to additional large-scale development projects proposed in the San Gabriel River Discovery Center Conceptual Master Plan

We urge that the following fiscally responsible, community-focused and environmentally appropriate alternative be pursued: (1) restoration of the wildlife sanctuary and improvement of its trails and interpretive displays; (2) eco-friendly renovation of the nature center so that it continues as a gateway to the outdoors; and (3) historic landmark status for the wildlife sanctuary and the larger Whittier Narrows Recreation Area, as recommended in a federal historic resources survey of Whittier Narrows.

We, the undersigned, oppose destruction of important and sensitive wildlife habitat, the waste of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, restriction of community access to firsthand experiences of nature, and demolition of a historically and culturally important nature center for construction of the proposed San Gabriel River Discovery Center water museum and meeting hall.

We urge that the Whittier Narrows Natural Area be restored, its Nature Center be renovated, and all areas of the Whittier Narrows Recreation Area be given historic landmark status in recognition of their historical and cultural importance.

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