Animal Testing is not okay!

As everyone knows, the testing of certain products on animals has been long existent, especially on make up products. Today, I am writing this petition hoping to make a statement as to why it's cruel to test on innocent animals. Animal experimentation is CRUEL and UNECESSARY, taking animals away from their natural habitats and placing them in cooped up cages. They are forced to spend their entire lives lonely, hungry, and let's not forget getting probed by needles daily just because of a beauty product. Most make up brands are animal cruelty free, but you would be surprised as to what big companies STILL test on animals.
For example: Procter & Gamble, Unilever and Colgate/Palmoliv. These cosmetic and house hold product companies admit to experimenting on animals, until this day.
Other brands include:
Air wick
Bobbi Brown
Dolce & Gabbana
Elizabeth Arden
Giorgio Armani
Head & Shoulders
Johnson and Johnson
Mr. Muscle
Michael Kors
Oral B
Ralph Lauren
Speed Stick
Tom for
Tommy Hilfiger

Surprised? Some companies and brands may state that they don't support animal testing, but they would not be on the cruelty-free list because they choose to sell their products in countries that require animal testing. Millions of rabbits, dogs, cats, mice and other animals are burned, poisoned and killed in painful and unnecessary tests each year for the sake of cosmetics and toiletries.
I am not asking for you to no longer wear make and such, but I do hope this may change your mind about some brands, and you find alternatives. Vegan make up brands are making a huge impact on the market right now, and they carry the same quality as some major brands.

Just because an animal may not be able to speak, does not mean they do not feel. Remember that the animals held in captivity waiting to be tested on, are no different than the ones you have at home as pets. They deserve the same amount of care and love. No animal should be forced to live in a tiny compartment suffering until it's last day. Hopefully we can get this statement across and finally give equality to animals. SAY NO TO ANIMAL CRUELTY!

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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