Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites in an effort to stop all animal trafficking, especially in Bolivia where it has become common practice. Although it is not often public knowledge, a photographer actually caught this behavior “in the act” and needs to be shared with the government in hopes of saving these creatures from their natural habitat.
Animal trafficking is the illegal trade of wild animals for profit, ranking third in unlawful activities behind weapon smuggling and drugs. The animals are taken from their natural habitats, away from their families, and smuggled to other countries and the United States to be sold primarily as pets and for their skin and fur. Most often, about 80 percent of the animals die in their travels before they reach their destination and the ones that do live face unnatural, deprived lives. This is an unbelievable cruel act. The actual travel of these animals is often extremely cruel. Animals have their mouths and beaks taped shut, are restrained in dangerous positions for hours, lying in their own waste. Birds may have their eyes perforated so they do not sing in reaction to light.
Recently, Bolivian animal refuge local photographer Tracey Buyce was taking photos of a beautiful monkey named Maruka. She was a victim of animal trafficking for more than 10 years, suffering junk food to eat, being stoned by onlookers and eventually undergoing a surgery that left her with a broken jaw, nose and blindness in one eye. At least Maruka is living a better life in a sanctuary whose motto is “a vision to save these forgotten animals was born.” The sanctuary is at capacity amid the Bolivian rain forest because of this country’s lucrative and common practice of animal trafficking.
Ms. Buyce witnessed the trafficking of many of these monkeys through her photography and adventures, stating that for every monkey sold, eight to ten mothers and their babies die, usually from transit or lacking diets, in the process. These are wild animals that belong in their natural habitat; they are not pets. She experienced these horrifying events first-hand. “I have always loved animals, and photography is a way for me to help these animals,” Buyce said. “It gives their plight a voice. Their story needs to be told,” as Leo the monkey drapes curiously over her photo lens. He too is a recovering victim of animal trafficking, locked in its owner’s car trunk.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites in an effort to stop all animal trafficking, especially in Bolivia where it has become common practice. Although it is not often public knowledge, a photographer actually caught this behavior “in the act” and needs to be shared with the government in hopes of saving these creatures from their natural habitat.
Bolivian Government Officials – You need to crack down and ban all practices of animal trafficking. Create strict laws that stop these practices, punishing individuals suspected of and found guilty of trapping animals to export illegally. These animals need to remain in their natural habitats with their own groups and families. Removing them and putting them in harm’s way through abusive travels, cruel handling and often death because they are not meant to be trapped in cages and treated immorally. Stop animal trafficking in your country and let animals live where they are meant to be; in the wild in their natural habitat!!
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