OfferUP claims they value accountability. Accountability means, "an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility". Only ONE out of every TEN dogs born will find a permanent home. Homeless animals outnumber homeless people FIVE to ONE. Twenty five percent of animals in shelters are pure-breeds. Only TEN percent in shelters are spayed/neutered upon arrival. Four MILLION are killed every year, because shelters EVERYWHERE are beyond capacity. Its impossible to estimate the number of unwanted pets. Stray cats alone might number close to SEVENTY MILLION. Eleven thousand DIE EVERY DAY in shelters. Allowing the online sale of pets encourages back yard breeding. Many are inbred, un-vaccinated, and too young to leave their mothers. Those that aren't sold by the next litters birth, are often abandoned, neglected & forgotten. Some animals on OfferUP are in obvious need of veterinary attention, and shouldn't be sold at all. Back yard breeding is creating an insurmountable issue in this country. Back yard breeders are unlicensed, small scale puppy mills. The Animal Welfare Act requires that dog, cat, and other pet breeders obtain a license, and submit to occasional USDA inspections to verify compliance with that law. OfferUP undermines this law and enables unscrupulous breeders to operate with impunity. Class B Dealers, reptile feeders, back yard breeders, animal abusers, "flippers", and crush video makers are offered easy access on OfferUP. No back ground check is required to buy a LIFE through this "app". They rely on apps and sites like OfferUP to find thier victims, as OfferUP makes it easier than ever! There are children downloading this app. This is setting a disturbing example for todays youth. Life is precious, and is being sold at the click of a button on OfferUP. Owning pets is a ten to fifteen YEAR commitment. Taking responsibility for a LIFE should be VERY carefully considered and planned out. On OfferUP LIVES are being sold along side strollers and furniture, in an instant gratification, impulse buy fashion. OfferUP values collaboration. Please, OfferUP, collaborate with animal rescuers. Rescuers, advocates, and animal lovers are the ones cleaning up the "mess" back yard breeding creates. Many of OfferUPS customers ARE rescuers, buying supplies for the next unwanted soul they come accross. OfferUP values ACCOUNTABILITY. Is OfferUP willing to be held accountable for the next victim?
OfferUP claims they value accountability. Accountability means, "an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility". Only ONE out of every TEN dogs born will find a permanent home. Homeless animals outnumber homeless people FIVE to ONE. Twenty five percent of animals in shelters are pure-breeds. Only TEN percent in shelters are spayed/neutered upon arrival. Four MILLION are killed every year, because shelters EVERYWHERE are beyond capacity. Its impossible to estimate the number of unwanted pets. Stray cats alone might number close to SEVENTY MILLION. Eleven thousand DIE EVERY DAY in shelters. Allowing the online sale of pets encourages back yard breeding. Many are inbred, un-vaccinated, and too young to leave their mothers. Those that aren't sold by the next litters birth, are often abandoned, neglected & forgotten. Some animals on OfferUP are in obvious need of veterinary attention, and shouldn't be sold at all. Back yard breeding is creating an insurmountable issue in this country. Back yard breeders are unlicensed, small scale puppy mills. The Animal Welfare Act requires that dog, cat, and other pet breeders obtain a license, and submit to occasional USDA inspections to verify compliance with that law. OfferUP undermines this law and enables unscrupulous breeders to operate with impunity. Class B Dealers, reptile feeders, back yard breeders, animal abusers, "flippers", and crush video makers are offered easy access on OfferUP. No back ground check is required to buy a LIFE through this "app". They rely on apps and sites like OfferUP to find thier victims, as OfferUP makes it easier than ever! There are children downloading this app. This is setting a disturbing example for todays youth. Life is precious, and is being sold at the click of a button on OfferUP. Owning pets is a ten to fifteen YEAR commitment. Taking responsibility for a LIFE should be VERY carefully considered and planned out. On OfferUP LIVES are being sold along side strollers and furniture, in an instant gratification, impulse buy fashion. OfferUP values collaboration. Please, OfferUP, collaborate with animal rescuers. Rescuers, advocates, and animal lovers are the ones cleaning up the "mess" back yard breeding creates. Many of OfferUPS customers ARE rescuers, buying supplies for the next unwanted soul they come accross. OfferUP values ACCOUNTABILITY. Is OfferUP willing to be held accountable for the next victim?
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