Protect the Northern Spotted Owl

  • da: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: The Honourable Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia
With less than a dozen spotted owls left in Canadian old-growth forest habitat in southwestern BC, the time to stop logging is now.

They can have no chance of the population recovering from the brink of elimination without protecting their old-growth forest habitat.

We ask BC Premier Christy Clark  to order an immediate halt to the logging of spotted owl old-growth forest habitat near Chilliwack Lake and to ensure that all remaining spotted owl habitat in southwest BC is protected from logging.      

The Honourable Christy Clark
Premier of British Columbia
Box 9041
Victoria, BC
Canada, V8W 9E1
Phone: (250) 387-1715
Fax: (250) 387-0087

With less than a dozen spotted owls left in Canadian old-growth forest habitat in southwestern BC, the time to stop logging is now.

They can have no chance of the population recovering from the brink of elimination without protecting their old-growth forest habitat.

We ask BC Premier Christy Clark  to order an immediate halt to the logging of spotted owl old-growth forest habitat near Chilliwack Lake and to ensure that all remaining spotted owl habitat in southwest BC is protected from logging.

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