Adding phase 3 to Meadow Creek Village

Attention please read

Dear Community Members,

The board members are seeking your attention and support for a crucial matter regarding the development of Phase 3 in our community. It has been brought to our notice that Phase 3 is currently not part of our community, but with your vote, we have the opportunity to incorporate these 94 homes into our community. This initiative would contribute an additional $35,000 to the HOA account, benefiting the community as a whole.

According to the CC&Rs, the late Dan Mosher held the majority vote, allowing him to make decisions independently. With his passing, the decision-making responsibility now rests with the community. We require a 2/3 majority vote to approve the inclusion of these homes into our community. The integration of these homes will link their streets with ours and Whispering Hills.

To facilitate the voting process, we propose scheduling a meeting on Saturday, July 20, 2024, to secure the majority of the votes. Subsequently, the board members will conduct door-to-door visits to reach out to remaining homeowners for their input. Additionally, we will liaise with lenders and rental companies to ensure comprehensive participation.

Kindly note that these votes will remain valid for 90 days. Your participation and support in this matter are vital for the future development and well-being of our community. Let us unite and make a collective decision to enhance our community's growth and prosperity.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

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