Stop Pet Stores from selling

There are numerous people on Vancouver Island and lower mainland who are breeding animals of all kinds in "Inhumane" ways, These animals are suffering , some spending there entire lives in cages.If you do not tolerate dog fighting, why not stand together to stop Pet stores from taking animals in , and allowing this to keep going on, we all know that there are resposible breeders out there, why tolerate anything less then humane, the Cats and Dogs of this area deserve our protection, will you be there voice? or stand by and watch them suffer needlessly so that greedy breeders can make a profit, please google "Puppy Mills" or "Inhumane Breeding Facilities" on Youtube then decide of you will satnd up for the animals who can't speak for themselves, please do, anyone who has a heart could not watch even one of these videos and not feel the pain of these animals  and want to do something to protect them, Please jopin my cause, and make sure that at least on "Vancouver Island"and the "Lower Mainland", Pet stores make sure they know who and where the animals are coming from, Thank you

All these animals deserve our protection and love, if you have an animal at home please looko at that animal now, and decide for yourself, how would you feeel if your beloved pet was treated like this, could you stand by while someone did this to your pet.I know all of us love our pets, lets make sure that no pet ever has to feeel like being abused is normal , Thank you

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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