Deman a Riover keeper position and maintenance team for the River ray and surroundind areas
- da: Lee B
- destinatario: Swindon Council
Our local water way "River Ray" and surrounding countryside has deteriorate vastly in the past few years. I feel its due to the lack of interest from Locals and the council that our beautiful river and picturess countryside should be looked after, as of this there is a huge mass of rubbish and spoils at nearly every inch of the river and surrounding, wildlife is at a decline due to waste and danger from waste, it is rapidly just becoming an eye sore, and to top it off our river is becoming near polluted from unwanted items and everyday rubbish being thrown into the river of which also causes a rapid decline in wildlife in and out of water.
My goal is to get the backing and the confidence enough so that we can endeavour a River keeper and maintenance team position for the regular upkeep of said river and surrounding.
I feel so strongly about this subject, not just because im extremely local, but I see such a sad decline in the things I loved to see growing up local. I fish the river weekly and walk, dog or not along the riverside at least 3 times a eek, and it saddens me to see such disregard for what was once countryside beauty and wildlife haven.
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