On October 2, 2014 at 1:00 pm, Emmitt, our 6-year old son's German Shepard, was shot and killed in Dansville NY by our neighbor. Emmitt was out in our fenced yard, and somehow got loose from his 8 foot, double latched fenced yard. Our neighbor, who states he was running late to pick up his son and that Emmitt would not allow him to leave, went inside his residence to call the police, returned outside, and shot Emmitt. The neighbor states Emmitt was threatening him and was being aggressive. We are demanding Justice for Emmitt!! Emmitt was a loving, friendly dog and would never cause harm to anyone. Emmitt is part of our family, and we are in a state of shock. Emmitt’s killer needs to be charged with discharging a firearm and animal aggravated cruelty.
• The threatened shooter went inside his residence to “call” police, proceeded outside and shot Emmitt.
• We have owned Emmitt since he was 6 weeks old, he was 4 in January. • We have witnesses that will prove that Emmitt was not barking, or growling, or that Emmitt’s shooter yelled at Emmitt or yelled for him to get away.
• It is unlawful to discharge a firearm within five hundred feet from a dwelling house.
• Aggravated cruelty to animals is defined as: “with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal with aggravated cruelty.
The Dansville Police need to investigate this shooting and take appropriate action against Emmitt’s shooter.
Please CALL or EMAIL the Dansville Police Chief Charlie Perkins, and the Livingston County District Attorney George J. McCaffrey and demand that they investigate Emmitt’s shooting on October 2, 2013.
Please join us as we demand Justice for Emmitt.
District Attorney George J. McCaffrey
585-243-7020 / 585-335-1725 DA@co.livingston.ny.us
Chief of Police Charlie Perkins
Sheriff Thomas J. Dougherty
585-243-7100 / 585-335-1742 lcso@co.livingston.ny.us
Mayor Peter R. Vogt
585.335.5330 pvogt@dansvilleny.us
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