Save Australia's Unique Wildlife

Feral cats, in addition to cane toads, threaten Australia's unique wildlife. The government should urgently cull the cats and introduce strict neutering and containment policies for cat owners.

It would be insane to allow Australia's natural treasure to be lost for ever to suit the whims of people who do not care to see the worth of the wildlife and the tragedy of its contamination with feral cats.

Thank you for caring about Australia's Unique Wildlife.   It is a World Treasure not to be fed to the cats.

Aggiorna #29 anni fa
I started this petition to show sense against calls on the Australian government to hand over a unique wildlife to feral cats in form of at least one petition. The decision about the cull was made and the petition to stop it was reformulated to a call to neuter Australia's cats. Australia‘s cats should be neutered by law and bred under licence in suitable enclosures. This would prevent the need for culls in the future. I feel that we achieved the aim and many thanks to everyone who signed.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Inconceivably, there are people petitioning the Australian government to deliver the remaining small wildlife to the cats, following a decision on a 5 years cull program.

According to Threatened Species, Gregory Andrews, over 100 species are under threat. "Each feral cat eats between three and 20 native animals a day. That adds up to a conservative 80 million native animals a day".

Please help to spread the awareness about these facts, please help to spread this petition.
Thank you.
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