Thank You, Oleg Deripaska,For rescuing the strays of Sochi and Russia's reputation.

For some time now there has been talk aboubt some 2,000 dogs roaming the streets of Sochi looking to destroy and ravage the city.There was talk of setting aside some part of the $500 Billion dollars so that the dogs could be sheltered and fed. Time passed and as usual,it became too late to do what was right so plan A was revived-shooting or posoning all the dogs.Thank G-d Russian Billionaire stepped up and quickly did what others refused to do. He had an emergency shelter built called POVO,or leash. I thank you Mr.Deripaska,for doing the right thing.And now that we have the liesure time,we can aske Mr.Putin the easy question.WHERE DID 2,000 TAME DOGS COME FROM ALL OF A SUDDEN? It wouldn't be that you demolished existing homes and sent the owners packing off to relatives or friends,wherever they could find some room,and their pets were suddenly rendered homeless. Because that would be mean.

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