Do animals take birth just to be killed after few hours of their birth or to spend their whole lives caged suffocated tortured full of misery and ultimately being killed? Does God want its own creatures to be killed in the name of religion and the products full of screaming as the offerings? Do they have to give their natural beauty or to give their lives for us? Do animals have become mere things for our entertainment? Do we need them to satisfy our taste buds and fashion? Do they really have to be a part of our transportation and agriculture to do our work?
Do animals exploitation is what we call to be civilized? The answer to this is No. True civilization is when we won’t depend on them anymore.
As human have rights to live; so do animals have the right to live. They do have feelings like us. They do feel pain.
Keep yourself in their place and ask your Conscience, do you let these things happen to you and your loved ones? How can we do this to the fellow beings? Who are we to take their lives for our own interests and greed?
Every life matters. Valid for all : Land, Aquatic and Air living forms. Don’t ill treat animals. More strict laws for animal protection and punishment for the offenders for animal cruelty. Ban on animal products as we have huge alternatives to eat and to cover ourselves. Ban on animal experimentation and go for alternative testing. No animal to be killed in the name of population check as we don’t kill humans for the same. No Kill Shelter for the stray animals. No cruel inhumane animals breeding. No use of Animals in the Movies and The serials. Vaccine the strays rather than killing them. No animal to be put on the online selling due to the increasing incidents of them to be ill-treated and destroyed. Ban on Animal killing in the name of religion & Animal sports. Ban on hunting and animals used for transportation and in agriculture. No separation of the infants from their mothers and stealing of their baby’s milk. No more animal violence in the farm factories and slaughterhouses. Ban on animal farming and slaughter houses. Ban on animals used for entertainment. Ban on animal based furnished products. Ban on polythene to avoid animals death and for a cleaner world. Conserve the wildlife. Plant more trees.
Does it seem like putting the beliefs on you? Everyone has the right to live his own way. Oh yes, if it’s not taking out the right to live of some other beings.
Do you feel it’s too much to do? Too much money? Stop wasting your money for the wars; Live peacefully. Live in such a world there is No hate No Violence. Stop wasting your money for adaptive and copied movies, Serials and music. Use it wisely. Establish Vegan Stores and villages in all the cities of the country.
What goes around comes around. We suffer and kill animals; God brings natural disasters, wars. It’s already been too much. Take the action now. We can’t wait anymore now. Be the voice of the voiceless. Save them to save yourself.
Veganism is the solution for the problems, environmental destruction, to end hunger and poverty.
The money spent to raise the animals for human needs is more than sufficient to feed the poor and hungry and to raise their economic conditions. And by adopting plant based diet, green gases produced would be very less as compared to produced by animal wastes.
Vegan diet is the key to healthy lifestyle.
Live and Let live.
Inner peace leads to Peace. Save the creatures rather than mistreating killing them. Go for eco-friendly organic living way. Go Vegan. Save Earth.