End shooting on Black Lake Olympia, WA. Enact a no-shooting zone.

Duck Hunters enter Black Lake recorded as early as 6 a.m.

They, are shooting in Open Water in all directions. They trespass on Private Evergreen Shores dock and land and shoot toward shore and open waters until sundown. This is a Huge Safety Concern Motorized Vehicles such as jetski and boats enter the water at 10-11 a.m.  These Hunters also sit on what appears to be the Black River refuge land shooting towards ducks in open waters of black lake and towards the shore into the refuge. Fish and wild life have been contacted on this issues frequently, and have done nothing to protect the animals in refuge land. They were found on the private shores of Evergreen Shores/Black Lake private dock area armed shooting toward the refuge on Private land. Nothing was done about it and video was taken . This area is clearly marked no shooting Private Dock. Fish and Wildlife and Evergreen Shores HOA, Board are not protecting the people in this community and we are terrorized by gunshots all day long in our back yards. Dead duck was just found on the dock- left by a hunter. They are extremmly aggressive. There own online posts, have them bragging about using cheerios as bait. This is a violation of the Migratory bird act. I have lot's of video and infomation to share!

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