STOP 'Miller Homes' destroying nature's home!!!

Animals have no voice to stand up for their home. We must be the voice. Help me prevent yet another one of nature's homes from being destroyed because of greed. After all, if we cannot save this one small patch of land, how on earth will we save our planet?

Recently Miller Homes chopped down every last tree on a large patch of land on my street, in order to make way for a vast amount of new houses, and a vast amount of profit. Despite my parents' plea for them to spare a few trees, they spared none. Because of this, not only were the beautiful blossom trees on my street destroyed, but so were the homes of many animals.

Eventually I came to terms with this loss: at least there was still the smaller patch of land (separate to the one destroyed) in front of my house for the birds and squirrels to nest in. But now Miller homes are getting greedy. They aren't satisfied with the 51 houses they're already building on my street and are set to build a further 9 to replace these last few beautiful lush trees. 

The council spent a lot of money planting these trees not too long ago and when we moved in, they claimed the land opposite our house would never be built on. 

If it were to be destroyed, it would truly be a tragedy, since it is the last remaining safe haven nearby where birds and other animals are left undisturbed. I fear that soon they will have no home to go to. Miller Homes will not listen to my individual plea. However, if we work together I feel that we can make a difference and save the last few remaining trees on my street. Thank you for caring. 

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
THANKS SO MUCH for signing. Sorry for sending this out so late, things have been busy for me! But the truth is, we should never be too 'busy' to protect the voiceless.
I received a letter from the House of Commons stating that 'none of the trees in question are of high quality'. It made me so sad that a home to wildlife can be deemed too low quality to save.
BUT THERE IS STILL HOPE! Every extra signature makes a huge difference and could make them listen! Could you share my petition? THANK YOU
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