
  • da: no
  • destinatario: no


Aggiorna #39 anni fa
I am really happy with the results guys. But we need more signatures!! Do as much as you can! Share, Tweet , Email , talk about it , spread the word, share the link. We only have 1,201 signs now. But with your help, we can get over a billion of them.
P.S:Always use the hashtag above when you share
P.P.S: :-)
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
927 signatures in one and a half days!
But we urgently need more signatures
Keep sharing and spreading. We need to make #DontEatYourPets happen !!
Also share this video along with the petition (pretty please)
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Thank u for supporting me . I am glad that some people share the same views with me.
Really grateful.
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