Someone Burnt This Puppy's Face with Cigarettes and Left Them Starving and Freezing Amongst the Shrubs

    A dog walker was strolling along one day when they noticed an animal on the ground, under some shrubbery, shivering and completely soaking wet.

    Sign the petition to demand authorities find whoever hurt and abandoned this dog!

    Once authorities arrived to investigate, they discovered that even though the dog was fairly large in size, he was actually just a 6-month-old puppy. The poor pup was in a terrible condition. His leg was either broken or somehow distorted. His fur had an "oil texture". He smelled horribly. He was starving. And his face was covered in multiple cigarette burns.

    When the puppy saw one of the rescue workers approach, she said that "He was terrified and was kind of making squeaky noises." Another said "It took about 30 minutes to coax him out of there safely... but once he realised I wasn't there to hurt him it was like a lightbulb moment."

    Now, however, he's feeling safer than ever and enjoys interacting with people.

    Authorities still haven't found the dog's - now named Bear - abuser. We must urge them to prioritize finding this cruel person before they abuse other animals or even other people! Sign the petition!
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