Tell the Justice Department to stop Texas’ raids on Latino voting organizers!

  • da: OD Action
  • destinatario: Department of Justice

Texas' attorney general, accused felon and jackbooted thug Ken Paxton, sent a SWAT team to kick in the door of an 87-year-old woman and other members of a Latino civil rights group, LULAC, on the absurd grounds of "voter fraud."

LULAC has asked the Justice Department to step in and investigate the raids, which are very clearly designed to intimidate organizers and stymie voter registration efforts. LULAC officials told CBS News that some of the group's Texas members were targeted and had their laptops and cell phones confiscated by Texas authorities executing search warrants. Some of the raids focused on Latino activists across the state.

Tell the Biden-Harris team to step in and protect Latino voter activists!

"These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape," LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, said in the letter.

It should be national front-page news that a powerful Republican has begun abusing the powers of state violence in order to harrass and intimidate Democratic operatives working to make sure everyone gets the chance to exercise their political voice. The Justice Department needs to step in and put a stop to this ASAP!

Tell the Justice Department to stop Texas' raids on Latino voting organizers!

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