Ban Fur in Rhode Island

As a passionate group of students fighting for the ethical treatment of animals, we urge you to initiate a ban on the sale of fur in Rhode Island.

Animals are abused, slaughtered, and skinned for a cruel commercial enterprise. Rhode Island must follow in the footsteps of Los Angeles, a progressive city that successfully banned fur. Times are changing, and animal cruelty must no longer be tolerated, especially not by such a compassionate state as Rhode Island.

Please sign our petition asking the Rhode Island General Assembly to introduce and pass legislation to ban fur in our state.

Aggiorna #36 anni fa
I am at a loss for words for the amount of support this petition has received. If you are in Rhode Island know your comments will be printed out and mailed to our representatives in order to bring their attention to this pressing issue. Please continue to share and support this great cause!

Happy 2019, way to start it off right
Aggiorna #26 anni fa
I am at a loss for words for the amount of support this petition has received. If you are in Rhode Island know your comments will be printed out and mailed to our representatives in order to bring their attention to this pressing issue. Please continue to share and support this great cause!

Happy 2019, way to start it off right
Aggiorna #16 anni fa
I have added our target, David Cicilline, to this petition! He is our congress representative here in Rhode Island. Thank you for all your support!
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