Kick the insurrectionist and drunk Republicans off the House Intel Committee!

Speaker Mike Johnson has made the astonishing decision to add Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Ronny Jackson of Texas to the vitally important House Intelligence Committee.

Perry is an avowed insurrectionist who was at the center of Donald Trump's failed plan to replace the acting Attorney General with one who would enable his plot to steal the 2020 election; Ronny Jackson is a bumbling idiot whose biggest claim to fame is getting demoted by the Pentagon for getting drunk, popping pills, and sexually harassing his coworkers.

Neither of these men should be ANYWHERE near the House Intelligence Committee.

Demand Speaker Johnson remove these bozos from House Intel!

This is a clear handout to Trump and the far-right that threatens our national security — not to mention disgracing the committee itself. Former GOP rep Adam Kinzinger decried the move as "insane" while Rep. Mikie Sherill warned these men would "weaponize the Intel Committee to support Trump's agenda."

We cannot allow an unrepentant traitor and drunken lunatic like Perry and Jackson remain on the House Intel Committee.

Kick the insurrectionist and drunk Republicans off the House Intel Committee!

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