Help save the marine parks surrounding Australia from mining, oil and fishing lobbyists

  • da: Georgina B
  • destinatario: Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia

A series of marine parks around Australia are under threat.

The Australian federal government is now calling for submissions from the public about the management of ocean reserves surrounding the continent.

However, both scientists and environmentalists say too much precedence is being given by the current government to interests from fishing, oil and mining industries.

Lobbyists from those industries are alleged to be working to ensure the size of no-take and no-mining areas are minimised.

Moreover, scientists fear the current Australian government has little interest in conservation and that the lack of public awareness will mean any changes will fly under the radar and years of work to create a network of marine protected areas will have been for nothing.

For example, the pristine waters of the Great Barrier Reef and Lefroy Bay at Ningaloo, off north-western Australia where whale sharks and dugongs congregate, could be under threat.

The marine parks around Australia and the ocean wildlife that depend on them are too precious to lose.

Please sign and share the petition to demand that marine parks surrounding Australia are protected from mining, oil and fishing lobbyists.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
UPDATE: A company that was caught illegally fishing in Ningaloo Reef Reserve was recently fined $90,000. The fine highlights the importance of keeping our marine parks safe. Please share the petition to bring pressure on the Australian government.
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