Stop the cruel and unnecessary dissection of animals in UK schools

  • da: Lily Worfolk
  • destinatario: Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education

Animals are being killed for dissection which takes place in UK school science classes. Children are taught In schools that it is natural to abuse and treat animals' bodies with disrespect when in fact the education system should be making efforts to enforce the opposite message.

I do not feel comfortable that students are pressured into using an animal's body for their benefit - especially as such experiments are cruel and unnecessary. Other methods such as sophisticated computer software are available and have been shown to teach anatomy and complex biological processes.

So why must we use sharp tools to pull apart the bodies of innocent animals, when we there are many other more humane methods to learn about an animals body? 

As a student who is obliged to take part on such terrible experiments, I will stand up and protest against this cruelty. I hope that you will join me to prevent dissection from continuing through future generations. Let's stop leading children into believing that they have authority over an animal's body. Animal dissection should belong in the past. Humans are losing their humanity and the eduction system reinforces this.

Please sign my petition to Education Secretary Nicky Morgan to demand that animal dissection in schools is stopped.

Aggiorna #49 anni fa
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
Unfortunately I have been told that for a potential debate in parliament my Petition would have to be created on a parliamentary site. This means that only residents from England are permitted to sign. This is dispaointing and frustrating, however I am not giving up when it has come this far with your support. So please if you are from England sign the new petition.
Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience.
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
I will be emailing the the education minister and various MP's soon. Thankyou to everybody who is to continuing to promote the petition and signing.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Thankyou to everybody who has signed and please continue to share on social media. I am so relieved to see that there are so many of you who are willing to stand up against the use and abuse of animals bodies, in the school education system.
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