Help christmas miracle puppies to survive !

We need only 10 people to sign this petition. Those who are willing to adopt them or help them somehow. These miracle puppies were born on Christmas night. We called them miracle because they were born on street in now with temperature -15 C / - 59 f. These temperatures lasted for more than 3 weeks miraculously all of them survived. But now we desperately need to find them home or shelter since they started to walk on very busy street. Two already lost their lives. Additionally the only two persons who cared for them have left the country and now they are literally on their own. Please all those who love animals let’s find way to save them or at least find them proper shelter until they are adopt. Puppies are in  Europe, in Macedonia, town Ohrid. Mother is stray dog middle size. Please leave  your contact or contact ANIMALIA  through facebook

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