Justice for Puppy Thrown off Balcony by Medical Student
- da: Ram Pers
- destinatario: Government of chennai and the Government of India
I was horrified by the news I woke up to on Monday 4th of July, that a medical student by the name of Gautam S. Who attends Madha Medical College in Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Has thrown a puppy off the roof of a building killing it. Him and his friend have video recorded this horrific and cruel act as they giggle about it. The video has gone viral all over social media and has outraged Animal lovers all over. As a human being he should have compassion towards any living being and as a medical student everyone expects them to be more sensitive towards any living being.
India has a prevention of animal cruelty act, 1960 under section 11 which is punishable with imprisonment and fine. However it is conducted very poorly, the fine is so low it is equivalent from Rs.100 ($3 USD) up to Rs.1,000 ($20 USD) and the punishments are not strict enough. A police complaint has been file and The Humane Society International has announced a reward of Rs. 1 Lakh($1,500USD) to whoever is able to identify the man in the video and his whereabouts.
It is time for India to change its Animal cruelty act! We the people of the world can change this law to make the punishments more strict and the fines high enough so hideous and evil people like Gautam and his friend will think twice about harming any animal.
Please sign this petition urging the Government of Chennai and the Government of India to change its Animal Cruelty laws where it is more meaningful and strict.
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