Petition to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to terminate the employment of investigator Lara Padgett based on her proven bias and conflict of interest in the investigation against SeaWorld.
We, the Undersigned, are strongly petitioning the Occupational Health and Safety Administration to terminate the employment of their investigator Lara Padgett, based on clear evidence that she is biased and prejudiced against SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, and our belief that this bias and prejudice prevents her from conducting herself and the investigation that she is in charge of in a manner consistent with the neutrality and decorum expected of a federal investigator.
We believe that Lara Padgett has violated the rules set forth by her own employer (OSHA) as indicated:
Note in the above photo that Lara Padgett appears wearing a BLACKFISH t-shirt.
We believe that by appearing in public wearing a BLACKFISH t-shirt, Lara Padgett has clearly given us cause to question her bias and lack of impartiality. She has also given the public the impression that OSHA endorses and supports this anti-SeaWorld film and its message.
Additionally, Lara Padgett has appeared in a number of publicly available photographs with cast and crew members of BLACKFISH. We believe that this is highly inappropriate, and gives the impression that she supports and endorses the beliefs and activities of these individuals. The following photos give us cause to question her impartiality and ability to perform her task as an investigator in OSHA's SeaWorld case.
We believe that this is enough evidence to prove that Lara Padgett has not only conducted herself in violation of OSHA's standards of conduct, but that she has also conducted herself improperly by publicly associating herself with individuals who are in a position to influence her decision-making and investigative responsibilites. By associating herself with individuals who clearly have an anti-SeaWorld agenda, we believe that she has allowed them to sway her personal views and beliefs to taint the investigation that she herself is in charge of.
We therefore ask OSHA to do the following:
We thank the Occupational Health and Safety Administration for considering and acting upon our petition to remove Lara Padgett from their employment and for their consideration in throwing out the findings of the current SeaWorld investigation based on Lara Padgett's bias, lack of impartiality, and questionable behavior as we have proven here.
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