So you have found a mouse in your house. Big deal, but to remove the mouse, does it not seem like a more humane method to trap and release the mouse away from your home? If you care about animals, this would likely be your way of thinking. Canadian Tire however feels it is ok to sell glue traps and poison,which not only kill the animal, but does so in a way which causes the animal a slow, unneccessary and painful death. I have contacted Canadian Tire to remove these inhumane methods of control and sell only humane versions. I have otherwise stopped shopping at Canadian Tire. Please sign my petition, and I will forward it on to Canadian Tire headquarters. Thanks.
Aggiorna #310 anni fa
Canadian Tire's response to this petition:
"Glue traps in question provides customers an alternative to poisons and "quick killing" traps that may cause a hazard to children or other pets in the household".
I encourage you to stop shopping at Canadian Tire, until all their trap products are humane ie. allow the animal to be caught and released, safely. Please contact Canadian Tire and let them know how you feel.
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
It has been over a month, and I have yet to hear back from Canadian Tire. I will be sending them the petition to let them know that selling products that cause pain and suffering to an animal is wrong.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
I got in touch with Canadian Tire and received the following response:
Thank you for contacting our office regarding your concern. We value you as our customer and thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We have forwarded your comments to those more closely involved for their review. We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to respond.
We shall see what they say. On another note, Home Depot is selling the same products, so I will get in touch with them as well.