Save the Ivanhoe River

  • da: Margo Godin
  • destinatario: Xeneca Power Development Inc

This Small Northern Ontario River is one of the last to be untouched . People from all over North America come to the Ivanhoe to fish ,paint,canoe trips, bird watch and hunt and I am missing other
groups also.Xeneca plans to erect 2 hydro dams which would completly distroy the so frigile eoc-system of this beautiful river.if successful in their venture,Xeneca would cut hundred of years old precious Grand father cedars regarded sacret with First Nation.It would distroy spawning beds for so many fish species,beaver houses,moose pastures aquatic nesting area and so on.  This would be an eraversable desastor to both nature and the economy of some local outfitters. Please help Us Friends of the Ivanhoe River on save-guarding our little piece of nature. Sign this Petition,Please

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