A more effective way to fight forest fires.
- da: Larry Rice
- destinatario: President Trump and US Congress
Forest fires are destroying millions of acres of forest and killing untold wildlife every year. Plus the loss of human life, including those fighting these fires, and hundreds of homes and personal property.
Single or several aircraft or helicopters dropping their load of fire retardant on a massive forest fire and then heading back for a reload does not seem to be a very effective way to fight these fires.
Solution. The US has a fleet of B52 bombers sitting idle that could easily be retrofitted to drop fire retardant. A group of 20-25 of these planes dropping their fire retardant in unison with ground GPS directions would have a drastic impact on fighting these fires. These planes are near the end of their intended military use and should be used to protect one of our few national treasures instead of sitting idle. To save our forest and the wildlife that live there. Please urge President Trump and or the members of congress to used these planes to protect our homeland. Call them the forest fighting wing of the air force. I am sure those flying these planes would rather use them to save lives and property instead of destroying them. I know this may seems like a common sense idea to most people, but since they are not doing it now maybe the solution needs to be pointed out to them. If you agree then please share the idea with the White House and those that are suppose to represent you in Congress.
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