Tell the Canadian Federal Government to Codify 2SLGBTQIA+ Rights into the Constitution

  • da: Summer Tong
  • destinatario: Justin Trudeau & Canadian Government

2SLGBTQIA+ rights and freedoms may be honoured and accepted in Canada more than most other countries, but it has never been codified in the constitution, which means public sentiment and political bigotry may put the lives of all 2SLGBTQIA+ citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, refugee claimants and registered refugees in Canada at significant risk. As a federal election looms for 2025 at the latest, we MUST tell the current Liberal Government of Canada to do what is right and codify 2SLGBTQIA+ rights in the constitution RIGHT NOW!!!

Sign the petition to demand Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his entire government to take action and accept our fight for change.

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