"Burned babies everywhere." That's how the heartbroken woman who found them described the scene.
What kind of human being would snuff out so many little lives for "fun"?
Add your name if you want to punish the criminals who did this, NOW.
"A Florida woman made a horrifying discovery while walking with her husband on Satellite Beach Sunday: several baby sea turtles that had seemingly been burned to death.
"Rhonda Wundke said the baby turtles were blackened and that burned wood was strewn around the scene, FOX35 reported.
""I found one dead turtle, then we came upon the burned grave. Then there were just many more burned, dead turtles here and there... the charred wood was around them," she said. "Burned babies everywhere"," according to Newsweek.
How would you feel if you were going for a relaxing stroll at the beach and found senseless carnage like that?
It doesn't bear thinking about.
""I want to report a crime. These baby turtles were found at High Tower Beach today 9/1/19. They have been set [on] fire," she wrote in a post.
"Baby turtles and over there place burned even found an egg. I'm saddened and very angry!"
"Other Twitters users were understandably horrified by the images. One commenter, SOF Digi-ves-tor, wrote:
""Hideous, soulless! Am sorry you discovered. ... Hopefully, justice will be served"," said the same source.
""Wow what is wrong with people and their minds, I just don't understand why anyone could do such a thing.. It saddens me that a human being even has such thoughts, but it's even more sad that they followed through with action so incredibly sad," said another Twitter user, Katrina Hunnewell.
She hit the nail on the head, 100%.
"Of the seven species of sea turtle found around the world, five nest in Florida: the loggerheads, green turtles, leatherbacks, Kemp's Ridleys and Hawksbills. Of these, loggerhead turtles are most commonly seen in the state.
"Sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on the planet, having remained relatively unchanged for around 110 million years. However, they face significant threats from encroachment of development on their nesting beaches, pollution, accidental catch by commercial fisheries and collisions with water vehicles, among other factors.
"Speaking to Newsweek, Ari Fustukjian, Senior Staff Veterinarian at the Florida Aquarium, said:
""Globally, the main threats facing sea turtle populations include the loss and disruption of nesting habitat, over-harvesting of adults — both commercial harvesting for food as well as incidental bycatch by other fisheries, and ingestion of and entanglement in plastic trash and other waste," according to the same article.
How long can tragedies like this go one, before our precious sea turtles are gone forever?
You know that means we need to do whatever it takes to protect baby turtles from the cruel, heartless people who want to abuse them for their own amusement.
That's why we're calling on the Florida state legislature to take a long, hard look at this case and put strict punishments in place to scare any would-be abusers away from committing a copycat crime like this.
Don't you want to save baby turtles from being burned to death?
Then add your name to ask the Florida state legislature to put strong protections in place, and properly punish the criminals who abuse wildlife for their own entertainment.
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