Protect Hunting Dogs with Animal Welfare Law in S. Carolina

In South Carolina, dogs that are classified as hunting dogs do not get the same protection under the law. Hunting dogs are exempt laws that protect other dogs, because hunting dogs, (or dogs that hunt), are used and considered a utility.

South Carolina allows abandonment of hunting dogs, and deprivation of the necessities of life, such as food, water and shelter.

Recently, Berkeley County Sheriff's Deputies arrested a man after discovering the remains of over 200 dogs on his property, and over 40 malnourished dogs as well. At a hearing, it was discovered they were hunting dogs, and exempt from the same protection of the law as other dogs.

We ask South Carolina to close this loophole that makes hunting dogs exempt from animal cruelty and that mistreatment of them be treated as a felony.


In South Carolina, dogs that are classified as hunting dogs do not get the same protection under the law. Hunting dogs are exempt laws that protect other dogs, because hunting dogs, (or dogs that hunt), are used and considered a utilty.

South Carolina allows abandonment of hunting dogs, and deprivation of the necessities of life, such as food, water and shelter.

Recently, Berkeley County Sheriff's Deputies arrested a man after discovering the remains of over 200 dogs on his property, and over 40 malnourished dogs as well. At a hearing, it was discovered they were hunting dogs, and exempt from the same protection of the law as other dogs.

We ask South Carolina to close this loophole that makes hunting dogs exempt from animal cruelty and that mistreatment of them be treated as a felony.


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