Filmmakers Call for Change at Camerimage

    We the undersigned call on the Founder and team of Camerimage Festival to take greater strides towards equal gender representation of cinematographers at its prestigious festival.

    Please join our campaign by signing the petition below!

    Camerimage has long celebrated excellence in cinematography, and true excellence flourishes with diversity. Despite women making progress in the field of cinematography across the world, Camerimage has in the past failed to fairly represent their work. For too long female cinematographers have been overlooked in the screening programs and the events. With Cate Blanchett named as Jury President this year, this is a great moment to amplify her values and activism and finally commit to screening a program of films that truly reflects the wonderful work of female cinematographers across the globe alongside their male counterparts.

    We encourage EnergaCamerimage to embrace these actions:

    Increase Representation: Ensure a fair gender balance in your invitations to panelists, jurors, and featured filmmakers.

    Support for Emerging Talent: Create programs that promote and nurture emerging and mid-career cinematographers and film professionals from underrepresented groups, including women. For instance, opening up the TV competition to cinematographers of later episodes.

    Transparency and Accountability: Publish annual reports on diversity within your participants and screened filmmakers to demonstrate a genuine commitment to parity. Publishing the identity and gender of your selection committee would inspire greater transparency and faith that your selection process is fair.

    Equal Opportunities: Implement policies that support inclusion and advancement across all aspects of the festival, on and off the screen.

    By taking these steps, Camerimage can join other leading global film festivals and organisations that prioritise gender equality and diversity. Together, we can create a more inclusive and vibrant film industry that celebrates the contributions of all filmmakers.

    We, the undersigned, believe in the power of cinema to challenge perceptions, inspire change, and unite audiences worldwide. Let us work together to ensure that EnergaCamerimage stands at the forefront of this movement towards a more equitable and inclusive future.

    What would Camerimage be without women participating?
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