After watching a disturbing and distressing documentary supporting the whale campaign, we can understand the isolation of the Faroe islands may lead to a lack of resources/ services, however we do not believe this is a matter of survival but rather a means of tradition and enjoyment and survival has become a mere accuse. Before this documentary we were unaware of the intelligence of whales and therefore their heightened emotions and loyalty and therefor these killings are not just unnecessary but barbaric.
I am mortified by the fact that "In 2013, 1,104 pilot whales and 430 dolphins were driven ashore, gaffed with steel hooks and dragged into the shallows to be killed with knives and lances. Entire pods of whales were killed: pregnant whales, mothers and their calves, none were spared a terrifying and for many an agonizing death." This is horrid and the whale hunters should be deeply ashamed that they have taken the life of young calves as well as pregnant whales, if a vile human killed a pregnant lady and young children there would be outrage, it’s not any different the lives of whales are as valuable as the lives of humans or any other animal on the plant. I was also shocked when I learnt that children of the Faroe Islands also got involved in the mass murder, something I believe is completely wrong as it is carrying on atrocities in to future generations and ruining childhood innocence. Please sign this petition to make a difference and help save the lives of many whales.
i am sadly posting a news update from website:
Latest news from the Faroe Islands
As of 1st May 2015, all those taking part in the Faroe Island’s whale hunts who want to do the killing of pilot whales (as opposed to driving them into the beaches) will have to participate in a course in the laws and correct procedures relating to the grinds, and possess the relevant pass certificate. Earthrace and many others believed that the introduction of these licenses would see a big reduction in the numbers of people taking part in the grinds in future.
Runi Nielsen initially welcomed the courses, saying, “The announcement of the changes to how grinds will operate in the future in the Faroe Islands is a welcome one. In Newfoundland in the 1960’s, similar new rules were issued. The first grind that took place under their new rules was also the last grind to ever happen there. This may not be a direct move towards ending the grinds in the Faroe Islands yet, but it does, I believe, mark the beginning of the end”.
Unfortunately, the latest news was that the courses so far have been attended by ten times the numbers expected. Many of those attending were young men and we believe sadly, that this is a direct result of the presence on the Islands of a huge group of protestors from another conservation society last year. Whilst it was good news that the numbers of pilot and other cetaceans killed was far fewer than in previous years, if the atmosphere caused by this group being there has actually encouraged a large number of new hunters to get qualifications to participate fully in the grinds, this is disastrous and will have set back the work of those on the Faroes trying to stop it happening by many years.
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