"Stop The Disrespect of our Elderly"

Being in the emergency room with my 86 year old mother for 31/2 days was something no one should ever have to go through. This isn't the first time this has happened. The emergency rooms are always crowded and they put you in the hallway until a bed opens up. My mom has vascular dementia and to be put in the hallway with all the noise, lights, people going back and forth, machines beeping and no privacy made the situation so much more magnified. They are all like this in Rochester. There should be a geriatric hospital for the elderly or at least a section for them. I never see small children in emergency and I saw one emergency room that had an area for them. It is something that needs to be fixed and I know there are many people who have experienced the same thing. We need to put a stop to this madness and give our elderly the respect they deserve.

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