Demand An End to the Mustang Cull NOW!

Wild Mustangs are one of America's most beautiful and iconic animals who have roamed the American Plains for decades. In the 20th century, more than 2 million wild horses roamed free but the population soon halved in 1926 due to livestock. Now, according the Humane Society, there is fewer than 25,000 of these beautiful animals left.

In 1971, Congress passed the Wild Horse & Burro Act, but the BLM has been evading this law since 1992. The Bureau for Land Management has stated that the Mustang population is overpopulated, with over 30,000 - 49,000. They claim that their is a need for culling to keep people and livestock safe - They hope to continue their round-ups for the next five years to reduce them to approximately 27,000. The BLM has claimed a 0.5% mortality rate of all horses, omitting the count of deaths or injuries as "natural causes". In truth, many of the horses die either due to "capture myopathy" (capture anxiety), injury, exhaustion or dehydration. The survivors are sent to Canada and Mexico to be slaughter or occasionally adopted out.

These horses suffer one of the cruelest and most traumatic experiences during the round-ups. Each horse brings the BLM approximately $350 regardless of their health or age.

In 2011 during the PVC Antelope Complex round-up it was documented that an emaciated elderly mare was chased so vigorously by helicopter and on footby the BLM, despite her age, that she collapsed gasping in exhaustion. She was soon let go alone just before the snow so there was no food, it is said that she probably died from her ordeal or stravation. It was also documented that heavily preganant mares were chased to the trap site down cliffs, where many of them fell. Some even sustained fatal injuries and 21 horses had to be euthanized on the spot. The surviving mares spontaneously aborted their foals out of such stress. A newborn colt that was born on March 3rd after the round-up the corral was also documented as being euthanized by the BLM for being unable to stand.

This is a loophole that the BLM has gotten away with for almost 22 years and by law, these Mustangs and burro should not be experiencing such stress and abuse.
Stop the Bureau once and for all - Please sign this petition and make Mustangs protected as the Act was created for them to be before there is none left!

Dear United States Congress, 

We the undersigned are petitioning to stop the Mustang Cull from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Forest Service & Deparment of Agriculture.

In 1971, you passed the "Wild Horse & Burro Act" since the rapid decline in population in 1926 - However, despite this act, these horses are still being illegally slaughtered and sold by the loopholes of the BLM who do round-up's every year. 

There is currently fewer than 25,000 wild Mustangs left, yet the Bureau of Land Management is claiming there is over 30,000 - 49,000 and that the slaughters must continue for the safety of livestock and people; these horses are considered to be "pests" and are forced to run miles until they die of exhaustion, starvation, dehydration or exploded aortas. The rest that survived are mainly sent to slaughter in Canada or Mexico, with a small percentage actually becoming companions.

Please make these Mustangs protected and enact a severe punishment for this horrible, illegal abuse to one of America's most greatest, historic icons. 


Care2 Petitioners

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
New information has been gathered about the 2016 mustang round-up. The BLM is planning to cull 2,568 Mustangs and wild burros throughout Arizona - Montana starting April 1st. This year's hunt strategy is by bait and the infamous helicopter chase; if all horses are collected, they will make up to $898,800.

They have supposedly put in a fertility control program, but only a small number will actually get it. The rest will be euthanized or sent to slaughter.
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