This "Manager" has no compassion or common sense for Animal Welfare.This job was gifted to her because of who she knew, instead of finding the best qualified person for it. No experience in Animal Welfare and her degree is in administration, again nothing to do with Animal Welfare. She knew of a Rottweiler, Riley, that was injured with a broken leg and having "possible" seizures in sick bay. She neglected to have this pup get proper treatment at a vet office, even after several pleas where made. This pup suffered for 6 days! I witnessed this pup have a seizure and offered to help, and they still told me no, yet she lay there in pain/seizing. The Manager's response "it was just a twitch" We found a rescue to pull the pup. The rescues info came across at 7pm. The next day the pup was pulled but not from the rescue that was set in place. When asked she said she couldn't disclose the rescue that pulled. This pup suffered for 6 days! Why would a rescue be secretive? That's how they get donations. It doesn't make any sense.This pup did indeed have a broken leg and was bleeding internally, she passed away while at the vets. The Rescue did come forward publicly a day later that they did recue her, after the community was in an uproar over it. But why the secrecy at the shelter? This Manager has tried to cover up a lot of things, Including the fact that there was an injured dachshund that was tagged to be pulled by a rescue out of Lubbock TX March 31 2017. The rescue was on the way, a 2 hour drive, and this Shelter had this pup killed before the rescue got there. This pup did NOT have life threatening injuries! Most recently in April 2018 they put another dog down, June, that had adopters in place along with written communication as to when they where going to pic her up. May 2018 another case where they put a dog down that had an adopter in place. UNACCEPTABLE! They are adopting dogs out with Parvo and distemper yet killing The healthy ones with adopters waiting. They also had 2 cats with broken bones thsyvwhere adopting to the public. One cat, Tigger, had visual protrusion of bones yet everyone on staff allegedly never saw it on intake or even when they vaccinated/ handled the cat day to day. Tigger had been there 2 days before he was adopted out. Tigger also had to have his leg amputated. Makes no sense. The Manager was also caught on camera/ vedio supervising the loading of 120 of her shelter dogs into a boxed type of truck with NO AC in the back part where the dogs where placed! The trip was 17 hours away, which she was aware of.( It ended up taking 30+ hours to arrive.) These pups where her responsibility to keep safe until they got to the the new location. She knew it was HOT and the truck had NO AC in the back, but she allowed her dogs to be placed in that situation. What she deemed as fit was a box fan jury-rigged to supply some air flow from the cab to the back, by way of a little window type of area. This for 120 dogs that some happen to be caged together. The final destination revealed pups with heat stroke, dehydration, and rumors of some fatalities because of this Director's lack of common sense/ judgement. It was reported that it was higher then 120° inside the truck at the time of destination which was that evening. There was an investigation pertaining to this matter in Fort Wayne and charges where filed. But not ALL parties involved where investigated or held accountable. ALL people incharge of placing the pups in the truck and contributing to this type of animal cruelty should be investigated and held accountable! The staff has been cought spraying down kennels with pups still inside. Not only are the pups water boarded with this, they are also pushed around from the intense pressure. We are talking about baby pups all the way to geriatric pups. There are several eyewitnesses to this throughout the months, the manager was notified and nothing has changed over the months. I was there to pull Chancey out with rescue. The staff had no idea who I was. 2 employees where standing there, 1 with the hose the other trying to cover the area with a curtain, using the hose to spray the crap out of Chancey. They sprayed her face, her eyes, mouth. The force was so strong she fell backwards and was trying to get up with trouble trying to move herself out the back opening. And this was in the middle of WINTER! Chancey is very old, she was left outside by her owners to starve to death, no food or water. She was nothing but bones, she couldn't see, or hear that well, she couldn't even walk that well. So imagine being sprayed in the face and being weak to bark, to weak to run, to weak to even walk strait to get away. And she had no idea it was even going to happen! Chancey was soaking wet, her bed that I bought her days prior was soaking wet. I was able to go to the back and an employee let me have her. I asked for her bed and it was so heavy full of water that the employee had a hard time carrying it. I asked her for a trash bag so my car wouldn't get soaking wet. (With the stench of vomit, diarrhea. Yes that's right even with all that trauma to Chancey she was still not clean nor was her bed. This smell was intense! What EXACTLY is purpose of this type of cleaning /trauma when no cleaning was actually accomplished) This is totally UNACCEPTABLE! Her bed and blanket had not been washed properly the whole time she was there. Yet the spraying down of the kennel is common practice 2x a day. This Director has no clue about compassion or welfare of these animals. They have nothing in place for parvo. If a puppy is adopted and ends up with parvo they go and kill the whole litter of pups. This Director thinks this is ok instead of implementing a protocol to prevent it or help minimize the spread of it. They put down dogs for cough, and runny nose and most of it is treatable. She also has no clue that you cant just throw a big bowl of dog food out for an emaciated pup 2x a day. Doing something like that can cause complete organ failure/ fatalities. Chancey not only had a big bowl of kibble but also a full can of dog food at 1 time. Both Trooper & Chancey are emaciated and they both where vomiting badly the day they came home with me. Of course she's not going to know about any protocol related to animal welfare to implement, why because she got the job, not for her qualifications or experience, but because her friend hired her. So how is she suppose to train the young people she's hiring? She doesn't know what she's doing and neither do the young staff that currently work there under her. Things need to change! We need JUSTICE for the Rottweiler that had to suffer for 6 days with a broken leg and Internal bleeding! For the pups that where abused/neglected on the 30+ hour trip with no AC in the back, and limited water/ food. For Chancey & Trooper and others like them! For all those pups that had to deal with parvo or non life-threatening diseases such as kennel cough that lost their lives because proper protocals are not in place and for Tigger with the protrusion of bones. HELP ME make the changes needed to help save these animals from further abuse. We need someone in charge that cares, is experienced and is willing to make the changes necessary to make this shelter a better place! Stand up for what is RIGHT!
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