Victims Against Faulty Metal On Metal Hip Implants

  • da: Celeste Laney
  • destinatario: All Medical Companies that Provided faulty Metal On Medal Hip Implants to the Market

To make the public know the truth and bring justice to the victims of faulty Metal On Metal Hip replacements.We are asking these companies to do the right thing by taking responsibility for their actions, compensate the victims of the recalled implants.Pressure them to speed up litigation and take responsibility for all the harm they have caused so many people from all over the world.Victims are suffering from severe chronic pain, toxic metal poisoning, loose hip joints, and many other related symptoms.We have lost the ability to provide for ourselves and our families.We are unable tp perform functional daily tasks. We need more public awareness of the corruption and how the victims are being mistreated by these Multi Billion Dollar companies.Provide a united voice to speak out against all the damage these companies have done to innocent people.So please sign this petition and help innocent victims have a voice.We want more public awareness of how so many people from all over the world are hurting and need help standing against such huge corporate giants.

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