Don't Slaughter Kangaroos to Make Pet Food!

  • da: Freya H
  • destinatario: Goverment of Victoria, Australia

Licensed hunters in the Australian state of Victoria will now be able to shoot kangaroos for use in pet food under a new plan announced Tuesday.

The "Kangaroo Harvesting Program" will become a permanent fixture in the southern Australian state after a five-year trial was completed, according to a press release from the Victoria state government.

While the animals are seen as a cute symbol of Australia by foreigners, kangaroos are increasingly causing problems at home by destroying crops and causing car accidents.

This is unacceptable. Kangaroos are not vermin - they have as much right to be on the land as people, maybe more since they were here first. There must be more humane ways to reduce destructive human-kangaroo interactions. These magnificent animals do not deserve to wind up in

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