Demand Justice for Jax and Colt

  • da: Kayla W.
  • destinatario: Young Willams Animal Center In Knoxville Tn and Knox County Animal Control

My Name is Kayla Wallace, On August 11th 2015 Animal control officers came to my home and seized One of our dog's. They returned the following day (August 12th 2015) and seized another dog after obtaining a search warrant. They also seized Other animals NOT listed on the warrant. Within 24 hours they returned 5 of 8 animals. Keeping 3 of my dog's. Nine day's Later they returned another dog, Keeping 2 of our dog's.

Now 7 months later, young Williams animal center still has 2 of our dog's in custody. No charges. However, Young Williams animal center is asking for $4,000 for us to get our dog's back. Jax is a 5 Year old black Lab and Colt is a 2 Year old Blue Tick. If we Neglected our animals they would not have returned all but 2. $4,000 is ridiculous to pay. 

We are demading Young willams Animal center in Knoxville Tn, Revoke it's boarding cost to owners found not guilty or that have had charges dropped. In exchange for their animals, they should donate 1 20 Pound bag of food (cat or dog) per animal. This Should only apply to those not guilty, or whom's charges have been dropped..

Thank you for everyone supporting Us, we are still fighting for Jax and Colt. Please take the time to share this as much as you possible can. We appreciate everyone's help/ Our Next court date is April 27th 2016. Please help us bring our babies home <3

Dear Congressman John J. Duncan Jr,

I am writing this letter to demand that Young Williams Animal Center in Knoxville Tn revoke their boarding cost to owner's whose animals have been brought in by Knox County animal control IF charges are droped or they are found not guilty. Why should innocent people have to pay for the misconception of another person? If animal control takes the animal(s) to the shelter, than why should the owners be left with the finacial burden that is left behind when everything is settled? I strongly believe that if the person(s) can get their animal(s) from the shelter once their case is over they should not have to pay such hefty fines, if any, but donate a 20ibs of food per animal.

Young Williams Animal Center charges $10 a day per animal when brought in by animal control. Please take into consideration that a 20 pound bag of food divided into 4 cups a day per animal will last roughly 17 day's. IF they are feeding 4 cups a day which is highly doubtful, and a 20ibs bag of food cost $22.99 (plus tax.) If the animals are kept by the shelt for 1 month (30 day's) and they only buy one bag of food for that animal they are profiting $277.01 and they have multiple voulnteers, so they are not paying for someone to care for these animals.

So, unless the animal had multiple vet bills to cover would it not be substanial enough for the owner(s) to in exchange for their animal(s) donate a 20ibs bag of food per animal, If found not guilty or charges droped? Instead of having to pay a hefty fee, or the payment becoming a burden to the county for animal contorls mishap.

As I hope this is clear, this is just a simple request, these people have been found not guilty or have had charges droped. It does not matter that the charges where ever filled in the first place. It matters that the charges are now AWOL. As congressman it is your job to represent and help the people. It is your job to care. I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

Thank you for your time.

Kayla wallace

Aggiorna #58 anni fa
At our court date today, the deal has been changed to pay $5,000 and you can get your dog's back , or SURRENDER YOUR DOG'S AND STILL PAY $2,800. This is beyond ridiculous, they rescheduled our court day for the 5 or 6th time. Leaving my dog's with them yet ANOTHER month.... Left with the option of Preliminary hearing (which will take several more months.) Surrendering our dog's and still being forced to pay $2,800 OR getting the back for $5,000.

Aggiorna #48 anni fa
Court date tomorrow, hope everything works out and we get our babies back!!!
Aggiorna #38 anni fa
We have our next court date on Tuesday March 29th Please help us get atleast 500 MORE signatures before then. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far..
Aggiorna #28 anni fa
Please Share this any way you can, IT would be greatly appreciated!
Aggiorna #18 anni fa
August 18th 2015, Young williams animal center was facing over crowding, But, they keep innocent people's dog's making NO room for stray's, or animals that need to be placed. Here is the link. The blue tick coon hound pictured in the right hand corner IS our dog. We are not even allowed to go in and see them, but yet, news reporters are allowed to take pictures of him!
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